Childless Not By Choice: You Are Not Broken..

You’ve been through more than most people can imagine, and it’s completely normal to feel lost, isolated, or uncertain about your purpose and identity. This space is here to help you rediscover yourself, rebuild your sense of purpose, and find your way forward.
>> We’ve got you, girl!

Childless Not By Choice: You Are Not Broken...

You’ve been through more than most can imagine, and it’s completely normal to feel lost, isolated, or uncertain about your purpose and identity. This space is here to help you rediscover yourself, rebuild your sense of purpose, and find your way forward. >> We've got you, girl!​

Navigating life as a childless woman can be a wild ride. It’s not just about the unsolicited advice or the endless stream of pregnancy announcements—it’s about the deeper, often overwhelming questions of meaning and purpose that come with it. The rollercoaster of emotions is something that’s hard for others to fully understand. If you’re feeling isolated, unsure of your future, or like there’s no one who truly gets what you’re going through, know that you’re not alone. 

What Do You Need Most Right Now?

>> Acceptance <<

Ready to make peace with your path and find inner comfort? Dive into this free 6-step course designed to guide you towards self-acceptance and ease.

>> Connections <<

If you’re looking for a supportive space where you can connect with others who truly understand your journey, our free Women’s Circle is here for you.

>> Purpose <<

My free 5-day Human Design mini-course is a great starting point to explore your true self and find clarity in your path while learning about your unique blueprint.

Hey There !

I’m Rianna. I’m not a therapist, a coach, or a grief counselor—I’m just like you. A woman figuring out life, navigating through the ups and downs, and learning as I go. I’ve done it multiple times after a cheating boyfriend, leaving the Netherlands, becoming an entrepreneur, and now being childless after IVF.

I’m not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life. Instead, I’m here to create a space—a safe and open space—where you can reconnect with yourself. A place where you can explore what feels true to you, rediscover who you are beyond the expectations of society, and find the clarity, purpose, and direction that’s uniquely yours.

Women worldwide are involuntarily childless
0 %
Women Feel isolated or unsupported
0 %
women facing pregnancy loss
0 %
women age without children by 2030
0 %

You Are Not Alone, My Dear!

These are the voices of those who’ve experienced the same fears, challenges, and emotions you may be feeling right now—yet they’ve rediscovered themselves and built meaningful relationships along the way.

"The program with Rianna was a very beautiful and strong experience. It confronted me with my reality in an unexpected way, and then showed me how I can move from this place and start to make a step by step advance. My mind is clearer and I feel much lighter. Thank you so much!"
Yurany Yepes Cardenas
Rianna was a great guide and a crucial piece in my transition after the loss of family and my job. The whole experience was very empowering.
Laura Giosh-Markov
Music Therapist
Loved her acceptance course. All the ideas are well expressed and pertinent to what I needed to hear right now. Thank you so much, Rianna!
Marie vB
Course Student
I followed the ACCEPT model course and I loved it! It reaffirmed that I'm already doing things that are moving me in the right direction.
Katie S
Course Student
Rianna is incredibly helpful. And needed. I feel more connected to the struggles I'm having as well as empowered to I have ways to go through them. Rianna really hits the spot!
Course Student
All of this is refreshingly uncomplicated and inspiring!
Chris C.
Course Student
The course was concise, meaningful and provided guidance to a situation that is so challenging. I so appreciate the authenticity and structure to move forward in my situation.
Course Student
I say the Serenity Prayer every day but you gave acceptance a whole new dimension. I thank you for this wisdom you've shared!
Course Student
Every session, brought new interesting facts and new ways of looking at things. Rianna does an amazing way of guiding; very encouraging, supportive, but also challenging.
Maria Kacharava
Team Leader
"Throughout the challenge with Rianna I felt that the activities lead my thoughts and feelings on sort of a synchronized dance, and that for me was the most incredible thing. The biggest insight I had was the natural process of comparing the inside with the outside. It was really interesting and intense to materialize that awareness."
Waleska Passos
Language Teacher
Free Self-Paced Course:

“How To Accept What You Cannot Change in 6 Steps”

Free Email Course

“Rediscover Yourself Through Your Unique Blueprint”

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Every 1st Tuesday of the month at 1 PM New York Time